Source code for camb.initialpower

# Initial power spectrum parameters

from .baseconfig import F2003Class, CAMBError, fortran_class, \
    c_int, c_double, POINTER, byref, numpy_1d, np

tensor_parameterization_names = ["tensor_param_indeptilt", "tensor_param_rpivot", "tensor_param_AT"]
tensor_param_indeptilt = 1
tensor_param_rpivot = 2
tensor_param_AT = 3

[docs] class InitialPower(F2003Class): """ Abstract base class for initial power spectrum classes """ _fortran_class_module_ = 'InitialPower' def set_params(self): pass
[docs] @fortran_class class SplinedInitialPower(InitialPower): """ Object to store a generic primordial spectrum set from a set of sampled k_i, P(k_i) values """ _fortran_class_name_ = 'TSplinedInitialPower' _fields_ = [ ('effective_ns_for_nonlinear', c_double, "Effective n_s to use for approximate non-linear correction models")] _methods_ = [('HasTensors', [], c_int), ('SetScalarTable', [POINTER(c_int), numpy_1d, numpy_1d]), ('SetTensorTable', [POINTER(c_int), numpy_1d, numpy_1d]), ('SetScalarLogRegular', [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int), numpy_1d]), ('SetTensorLogRegular', [POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_double), POINTER(c_int), numpy_1d])] def __init__(self, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('PK') is not None: self.set_scalar_table(kwargs['ks'], kwargs['PK']) ns_eff = kwargs.get('effective_ns_for_nonlinear') if ns_eff is not None: self.effective_ns_for_nonlinear = ns_eff def __getstate__(self): raise TypeError("Cannot save class with splines")
[docs] def has_tensors(self): """ Is the tensor spectrum set? :return: True if tensors """ return self.f_HasTensors() != 0
[docs] def set_scalar_table(self, k, PK): """ Set arrays of k and P(k) values for cubic spline interpolation. Note that using :meth:`set_scalar_log_regular` may be better (faster, and easier to get fine enough spacing a low k) :param k: array of k values (Mpc^{-1}) :param PK: array of scalar power spectrum values """ self.f_SetScalarTable(byref(c_int(len(k))), np.ascontiguousarray(k, dtype=np.float64), np.ascontiguousarray(PK, dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def set_tensor_table(self, k, PK): """ Set arrays of k and P_t(k) values for cubic spline interpolation :param k: array of k values (Mpc^{-1}) :param PK: array of tensor power spectrum values """ self.f_SetTensorTable(byref(c_int(len(k))), np.ascontiguousarray(k, dtype=np.float64), np.ascontiguousarray(PK, dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def set_scalar_log_regular(self, kmin, kmax, PK): """ Set log-regular cubic spline interpolation for P(k) :param kmin: minimum k value (not minimum log(k)) :param kmax: maximum k value (inclusive) :param PK: array of scalar power spectrum values, with PK[0]=P(kmin) and PK[-1]=P(kmax) """ self.f_SetScalarLogRegular(byref(c_double(kmin)), byref(c_double(kmax)), byref(c_int(len(PK))), np.ascontiguousarray(PK, dtype=np.float64))
[docs] def set_tensor_log_regular(self, kmin, kmax, PK): """ Set log-regular cubic spline interpolation for tensor spectrum P_t(k) :param kmin: minimum k value (not minimum log(k)) :param kmax: maximum k value (inclusive) :param PK: array of scalar power spectrum values, with PK[0]=P_t(kmin) and PK[-1]=P_t(kmax) """ self.f_SetTensorLogRegular(byref(c_double(kmin)), byref(c_double(kmax)), byref(c_int(len(PK))), np.ascontiguousarray(PK, dtype=np.float64))
[docs] @fortran_class class InitialPowerLaw(InitialPower): """ Object to store parameters for the primordial power spectrum in the standard power law expansion. """ _fields_ = [ ("tensor_parameterization", c_int, {"names": tensor_parameterization_names, "start": 1}), ("ns", c_double), ("nrun", c_double), ("nrunrun", c_double), ("nt", c_double), ("ntrun", c_double), ("r", c_double), ("pivot_scalar", c_double), ("pivot_tensor", c_double), ("As", c_double), ("At", c_double) ] _fortran_class_name_ = 'TInitialPowerLaw' def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.set_params(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_params(self, As=2e-9, ns=0.96, nrun=0, nrunrun=0.0, r=0.0, nt=None, ntrun=0.0, pivot_scalar=0.05, pivot_tensor=0.05, parameterization="tensor_param_rpivot"): r""" Set parameters using standard power law parameterization. If nt=None, uses inflation consistency relation. :param As: comoving curvature power at k=pivot_scalar (:math:`A_s`) :param ns: scalar spectral index :math:`n_s` :param nrun: running of scalar spectral index :math:`d n_s/d \log k` :param nrunrun: running of running of spectral index, :math:`d^2 n_s/d (\log k)^2` :param r: tensor to scalar ratio at pivot :param nt: tensor spectral index :math:`n_t`. If None, set using inflation consistency :param ntrun: running of tensor spectral index :param pivot_scalar: pivot scale for scalar spectrum :param pivot_tensor: pivot scale for tensor spectrum :param parameterization: See CAMB notes. One of - tensor_param_indeptilt = 1 - tensor_param_rpivot = 2 - tensor_param_AT = 3 :return: self """ if parameterization not in [tensor_param_rpivot, tensor_param_indeptilt, "tensor_param_rpivot", "tensor_param_indeptilt"]: raise CAMBError('Initial power parameterization not supported here') self.tensor_parameterization = parameterization self.As = As self.ns = ns self.nrun = nrun self.nrunrun = nrunrun if nt is None: # set from inflationary consistency if ntrun: raise CAMBError('ntrun set but using inflation consistency (nt=None)') if tensor_param_rpivot != tensor_param_rpivot: raise CAMBError('tensor parameterization not tensor_param_rpivot with inflation consistency') self.nt = - r / 8.0 * (2.0 - ns - r / 8.0) self.ntrun = r / 8.0 * (r / 8.0 + ns - 1) else: self.nt = nt self.ntrun = ntrun self.r = r self.pivot_scalar = pivot_scalar self.pivot_tensor = pivot_tensor return self
[docs] def has_tensors(self): """ Do these settings have non-zero tensors? :return: True if non-zero tensor amplitude """ return self.r > 0